Pioneer Ward News

The Pioneer Ward meets Sundays from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm. Sacrament Meeting 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Second Hour meetings from 12:40 pm - 1:30 pm. Sunday School is held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. Relief Society, Priesthood Quorums, and Young Women Classes are on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. Primary is held each week. Special meetings are held on 5th Sundays.
Temple Recommend Interviews
Pioneer Ward Bishopric Temple Recommend Interviews are available either by appointment or each Sunday after church.
2024 Stake Temple Recommend Interviews
Members of the stake presidency will be available at the stake center (south foyer) for stake temple recommend renewals:
● Appointments encouraged Wednesday evenings between 6:30 - 7:30 pm
● Walk-in appointments are always welcome and will be accommodated
● For an appointment, follow the link below to select an appointment time.
○ Check your junk/spam folder for confirmation emails
● Location: Riverdale Stake Center (5500 S 1175 W, Riverdale), South West Entrance.
● If you need another day or time, please contact Bobby Drean at (801) 425-9901
Stake Self Reliance Courses
Self-reliance courses are for any individual, couple, parent, friend, or leader who wants to be better prepped to meet, and help other meet, life's challenges
Email information to Stake Self Reliance Coordinator:
Self Reliance Group you want to participate in
Name, email, phone #, address, and ward - couples - we need information for both
Emotional Self Reliance
Starting and Growing Your Own Business
Finding a Better Job
South Weber Stake News
Please see the South Weber Stake News site for information.